Blackberry "Bold" now released !
I'm just not feeling the euphoria I would have prior to July 11th, the release of the Apple's iPhone.
As a business consumer I am disappointed with several functions Apple left out, such as the obvious inability to cut and paste text and the bleak fact that I cannot
send attachments from my mail program on the dock.
Pictures for example are e-mailed directly from the items options ie " e-mail photo ".
Despite those current issues there is no way I would never hand over my iPhone for another Crackberry!In saying that there are two functions I do like about the Bold..
Build in flash feature and tethered modem. Tethering now possible on the iPhone.
The consistent ability to download new apps makes me feel the joy of Christmas every morning as I unwrap my new apps on the commute to work.
My old blackberry offered crappy games and office programs.
Apple has once again added an element of fun to my life, this time to my business device. RIM should take a look at consumer perception of their new line of
smart phones and work on giving business professionals more fun and innovative applications if they want to compete with Apple.
RIM advertises facebook and flickr integration on the new Bold.
Seems RIM is kinda behind in social networking.
The iPhone is an all in one device for me and RIM's Blackberry Bold still feels
like just another business "work" phone to me.
Black berry bold is sporting speeds on HSDPA.
Wi-fi, 624 mhz processor, 1.3 MP camera with build in zoom, Build in GPS with
turn by turn direction, Build in flash and tethered modem.
"You can even use Media Sync to transfer desktop items and music files to your smartphone"
RIM Website. Lame!