Checking out a widget called Popego. They were recently featured at Tech Crunch earlier this week.
The widget uses your social networking feeds to generate what they call an" Auto Blog ".
Much like Friend Feed Popego pulls your feeds from Twitter, Digg, Pownce, Facebook, blog etc and
displays them on one page in graphic bubbles. Users can filter your content to just display a specific content type such as pictures or videos.
Unlike Friend Feed Popego builds an interest feed for you based on the information it reads in your social network feeds, to create a unique experience to you. The interest page is populated from information from other users on Popego that you would most " likely" find of interest. The posts that were generated on my interests page were very relevant to the content I like. I thought the equalizer feature was very neat too. Equalizer allows you to
manipulate your feeds output. Add more of your Digg feed if you wish or less of your blog posts. Interests can be easily edited.
Content and posts can be commented on, Dugg, bookmarked etc.
Interest cloud pulls common words from your social networks and displays them as a word/tag cloud on the header of your page.
Looking at my cloud, there are seriously a few things that I need to stop talking about.
A few other kewl features of Popego are " interest stats ":of the last 100 vistors that checked out your Popego page.
They also integrated social networking so your able to add friends :)
Backend programming language is Python.
And remember geeks Popego is still in beta so don't get cranky if it takes a day to generate your interest cloud.
My cloud didn't calculate until the next day :p
Overall some really great idea's. Layout of the site is aestheticly pleasing but i'd give up the graphics if the site would load quicker.
If you would like to check out my Popego page - http://popego.com/BrodieBeta/
or check out http://www.popego.com
Brodie Beta- aka iphone girl
The real iPhone Girl is girl in China assembly plant. What make u iPhone girl too? You cute too though.
Thanks a lot for your post on Popego. We've been the whole week wokring hard on scaling our calculations so it should be up and running faster now.
I really liked your autoblog by the way. It's publically accessible on brodiebeta.popego.com (but we'll work to send you there even if you type popego.com/brodiebeta soon).
Btw. some of your stuff on Popego has 95% compatibility with me. I'm a huge iPhone fan too :)
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